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Showing posts from 2019

A response to Phillip Blond, David Brooks and "civic nationalist"/alt-right apologia

This post is a response to , from the perspective of a Christian anarcho-libertarian. I have placed the author's quotes in italics , and my responses after '>'. ____________________________________________________________________________ I. Some observations: Red Toryism sounds like a commingling of ideas from left (Christian democrats, Christian socialism, social democracy, democratic socialism) and the right (civic nationalism, national socialism). It shares most sociological, anthropological and political ideas with the alt-right II. What the author gets right : identification of the symptoms " failure of politics, Left & Right " “ We are a bipolar nation,” he wrote, “a bureaucratic, centralized state that presides dysfunctionally over an increasingly fragmented, disempowered, and isolated citizenry. ” > The three paragraphs, starting from " We live in a s...