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Showing posts from May, 2016

Trumpism & the eclipse of Constitutional conservatism

Today, the shuttering of the Constitutional limited-government conservative movement was completed. It only remains to be seen if this is a passing fad or a lasting change. The Republican party has officially switched from crony-capitalist, neo-con war mongering to European far-right style agrarian, isolationist, nativist, protectionist populism, à la Trump. The Trump phenomenon has at least one positive outcome. All the unprincipled impostors and charlatans on the right have revealed themselves. This is a good thing. This is cathartic. THE BLACKLIST Politicians who have endorsed Trump include : Chris Christie Sarah Palin Ben Carson Mike Huckabee Bobby Jindal Jeff Sessions Rick Scott Jan Brewer Rick Perry Aside from these, here are the other prominent Trump apologists, sympathizers and endorsers in the media & politics : Michael Savage Ann Coulter Sean Hannity Bill O’Reilly Laura Ingraham Fox News The Drudge Report Breitbart Rush Limbaugh Jerry Falwe...