Today, the shuttering of the Constitutional limited-government conservative movement was completed. It only remains to be seen if this is a passing fad or a lasting change.
The Republican party has officially switched from crony-capitalist, neo-con war mongering to European far-right style agrarian, isolationist, nativist, protectionist populism, à la Trump.
The Trump phenomenon has at least one positive outcome. All the unprincipled impostors and charlatans on the right have revealed themselves. This is a good thing. This is cathartic.
Politicians who have endorsed Trump include :
Chris Christie
Sarah Palin
Ben Carson
Mike Huckabee
Bobby Jindal
Jeff Sessions
Rick Scott
Jan Brewer
Rick Perry
Aside from these, here are the other prominent Trump apologists, sympathizers and endorsers in the media & politics :
Michael Savage
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Bill O’Reilly
Laura Ingraham
Fox News
The Drudge Report
Rush Limbaugh
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Robert Jeffress
Gateway Pundit
Herman Cain
Phyllis Schlafly
Newt Gingrich
Bill Krystal.
From one perspective, they may be considered traitors -- folks for whom the will to power has quite literally trumped principle. From another perspective, they have always been true to form and a different body of principles and conservatives have been quick to turn a blind eye in the effort to gain political advantages.
Through it all three media personalities have faithfully stood for the Constitutional conservative principles of liberty & justice :
Mark Levin
Glenn Beck
Matt Walsh
Aside from them, here is the list of the original #NeverTrump conservatives, who have stayed the course.
Ben Sasse
David Boaz
Erick Erickson
David McIntosh
Michael Medved
Edwin Meese III
Russell Moore
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Dana Loesch
Ben Shapiro
The Republican party has officially switched from crony-capitalist, neo-con war mongering to European far-right style agrarian, isolationist, nativist, protectionist populism, à la Trump.
The Trump phenomenon has at least one positive outcome. All the unprincipled impostors and charlatans on the right have revealed themselves. This is a good thing. This is cathartic.
Politicians who have endorsed Trump include :
Chris Christie
Sarah Palin
Ben Carson
Mike Huckabee
Bobby Jindal
Jeff Sessions
Rick Scott
Jan Brewer
Rick Perry
Aside from these, here are the other prominent Trump apologists, sympathizers and endorsers in the media & politics :
Michael Savage
Ann Coulter
Sean Hannity
Bill O’Reilly
Laura Ingraham
Fox News
The Drudge Report
Rush Limbaugh
Jerry Falwell Jr.
Robert Jeffress
Gateway Pundit
Herman Cain
Phyllis Schlafly
Newt Gingrich
Bill Krystal.
From one perspective, they may be considered traitors -- folks for whom the will to power has quite literally trumped principle. From another perspective, they have always been true to form and a different body of principles and conservatives have been quick to turn a blind eye in the effort to gain political advantages.
Through it all three media personalities have faithfully stood for the Constitutional conservative principles of liberty & justice :
Mark Levin
Glenn Beck
Matt Walsh
Aside from them, here is the list of the original #NeverTrump conservatives, who have stayed the course.
Ben Sasse
David Boaz
Erick Erickson
David McIntosh
Michael Medved
Edwin Meese III
Russell Moore
Thomas Sowell
Cal Thomas
Dana Loesch
Ben Shapiro
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